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School's Self-Restraint in the Context of Expanding School Autonomy: Dilemma and Breakthrough
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中文关键词院系治理  扩大办学自主权  院系自我约束
英文关键词School Governance  Expansion of School Autonomy  School's Self-restraint
叶桂方 浙江大学 
陈浩 浙江大学 
孙棋 浙江大学 
高知鸣 浙江大学 
      院系作为高校最活跃的基层组织形态,其治理水平和办学质量直接影响高校各项核心功能的实现。随着高校管理重心下移,加强院系自我约束成为推进高校治理体系和治理能力现代化、进一步扩大院系自主权的现实需要。然而在实践中,院系自我约束存在着战略目标模糊、基础制度缺失、权责配置失衡、主体意识弱化等现实问题。为此,要将目标约束、制度约束、权责约束、程序约束作为突破点,加强院系自我约束, 着力构建权责利相统一、资源配置合理、机制运行畅通、民主监督有力的院系治理体制。
      School is a basic unit of the university, whose governance capacity and education quality exerts direct influence on the core functions of the university. As the management focus is now being transferred down to the lower level, reinforcing school's self -restraint is the realistic need of advancing the modernization of university governance and expanding school autonomy. Nevertheless, several problems regarding school's selfrestraint, including inadequate objective management, unsound institutional system, unbalanced allocation of rights and responsibilities and weak subject consciousness, have been showing up in practice. For the time being, the solutions to the problems mentioned above lie in reinforcing self-restraint on goal, institution, rights and responsibilities, and procedure, in order to set up an effective mechanism for school's self-restraint.


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