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Viewing the Historical Transition of Education Developmentfrom the Perspective of the Right to Educational Choice
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中文关键词自主选择  受教育权  教育选择权  在家上学  教育治理
英文关键词independent choice  right to education  right to educational choice  homeschooling  educational governance
劳凯声 首都师范大学教育学院 
      教育原本是一项由受教育者自主选择的自然权利,在教育国家化的进程中,国家出于普及教育之 需实施义务教育,由此教育强制与教育自由成为贯穿教育全过程的一对矛盾。“在家上学”的出现表明,尊重 个体的需要与选择应当成为政策制定与实施的应然选择。伴随公民权利意识的觉醒以及社会世俗化的进 程,人们的社交方式和认知方式发生变化,官民关系格局开始出现新的气象。由网络和非网络、体制内和体 制外等不同渠道构成的综合性的利益表达机制,使社会利益群体逐渐摆脱了利益表达的依附性。近年来正 在推进的教育治理体系和治理能力建设,促进了政府决策层对公共问题的关注和回应,引导当事人为共同 利益开展共同行动,及时化解矛盾纷争,促进社会和谐。
      Education was originally educatee’s independent choice as a natural right. With the development of nationalization of education in which the state implemented compulsory education due to the need for education popularization, the tension between educational compulsion and educational freedom has run through the education process. The emerging of homeschooling shows that respect for individual needs and choices should be the proper choice of policymaking and implementation. The relationship between the officials and the civilians has begun to show new patterns, and people’s social and cognitive methods have changed, as the awareness of civil rights awakens and the degree of social secularization deepens. The comprehensive mechanism of interest expression composed of different channels of both online and offline as well as inside and outside the system has made the interest groups begin to get rid of dependency of interest expression and changed the way people communicate and cognize. The building of the educational governance system and governance capacity in recent years has encouraged the government decision-makers to pay attention to the public problems and respond to them, guide people to take joint action for the common interests, resolve disputes in a timely manner, and promote social harmony.


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